Events for the year 2005

4/29         Picnic (Hiraodai Park)
7/9, 10     Movie
8/10         Barbeque
11/2         Lecture Meeting on Education
11/27       Thanksgiving party
12/18       Christmas party
12/25       Christmas worship service (morning)
                 Candle service (evening) 

Pastor’s Notes 

Thank you for your prayers.
Our church dedication service was held on May 23rd.
About ninety people came to attend the service
to encourage and bless us.
When our church was burnt down by the fire a year ago,
we were overwhelmed with sorrow and fear
and we did not know what to do.
However, God opened the door one by one
by His wondrous ways to rebuild His church.
Thank you very much for those
who have helped and supported us during this difficult time.
