Bethany Christian Assemblies, Japan Newsletter

New Church in Okazaki City: On July 7th, together with Pastors Koji and Yoko Yamamoto of our church in Toyota city, we were able to dedicate a new church-Okazaki Hope Fellowship- in the neighboring city of Okazaki. We renovated a store-front office building and many of the surrounding churches and pastors gathered to pray for and bless this new ministry. It is in the central area of the city near a historical castle, but in an area where there are very few churches. We have a worship service on Sunday afternoons with a fellowship dinner following and several Bible studies throughout the week. Please pray for this new church and outreach that many will be rescued ‘from the dominion of darkness’ and brought ‘into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.’ (Col. 1:13-14)
We are very thankful that the Lord has give us grace and many opportunities to reach into the lives of many children and their famWe are very thankful that the Lord has give us grace and many opportunities to reach into the lives of many children and their families with the healing and saving power of the love of God and impact our whole city and surrounding communities for the Kingdom. As I serve on Nisshin City’s educational board and other committees and am also the head of the Nisshin Kindergarten Association, this provides the opportunity to invite Christian educational speakers and musicians to the the whole school system and be a witness to Christ and the church.
New Sanctuary for the Inuyama Church:The church has been growing and the current church building and pastor’s house is very old and falling apart. Please pray for Pastor Sugiura and the new Inuyama Church. Please also continue to pray for Pastors Yoshiharu and Keiko Takahashi of the Homi Christ Church in Toyota City. They have an extensive children’s ministry and outreach to the Portuguese and Spanish speaking community of whom many work at the Toyota Motor Company factories. Thank you so much for your prayers and we look forward to hearing from you.
In Christ,
