Confirmation Testimonies
Okinawa Lutheran Church
Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2009

“What Does Confirmation Mean to Me?”
Richard Henry Worcester II

The first couple of weeks, I didn’t understand Confirmation, but I now realize it informs you how to be a better Christian. When I was baptized, I didn’t understand what was going on like I do now. I realize that Confirmation is when the word and the expectations of God are being explained.

Understanding the Bible was difficult for me before Pastor helped me. I learned what it means to be a Christian and what God has in store if we believe in Jesus. My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16, where it tells you about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to believe in him to have eternal life. This is what Confirmation means to me.

“The Things I learned from Confirmation”
Andrew James Worcester

Confirmation has made me learn more about God and how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. It has also shown me more about why I was baptized, and now I understand it more. I now have much more faith in God than I ever did before confirmation. I know all 66 books of the Bible, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and much more. Confirmation class made me become a better Christian, and I believe in God and his one and only son, Jesus Christ.





