Pentecost: May 20, 2018

Pentecost Day Altar Flowers

Confirmation Cake

Confirmation Testimonies

Nora Lynn Gaydeski

Being confirmed means so much to me. Jesus died on the cross to forgive us our sins, and I can’t express my gratefulness. I know that it is not by our own works, but by God’s loving and merciful nature, that He grants us faith so that we can believe in Jesus and go to heaven. I have learned a great deal during Confirmation, and I hope that this will help me in later life to stay true to my faith.

When I was younger, I looked forward to my Confirmation without really knowing what it was, except being able to take Communion. Now I know that it is not just being able to eat Jesus’ body and drink His blood, but it is also becoming a member of the church and confirming the faith that was given to me in Baptism. I thank those who have guided and nurtured me in my faith, and will always be thankful that God sent these wonderful people to lead me to Him. My faith is more important to me than anything, and I thank God for the gifts that He has given me. I will love and serve God all my life. Amen.

Confirmation Verse: Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened; do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”



堅信式の聖句:ヨシュア1:9 わたしは、強く雄々しくあれと命じたではないか。うろたえてはならない。おののいてはならない。あなたがどこに行ってもあなたの神、主は共にいる。
Alexis Nicole Harwood

My name is Alexis Harwood. I want to be confirmed because I want to continue in my religion and in my faith. God has helped me in my life since my birth, where they almost lost me and my mom. But my personal journey in faith really started almost 4 years ago when my mom had her last surgery and the doctors said she might not make it. That scared me a lot and that was the second time I felt weak in my life. It was that moment when I first started to pray without any memorization behind it or having practiced what to say. Since then I have been reading my Bible and learning more about my faith. I have always been raised in church, but now I have taken a more active role in my relationship with God. I plan on walking further into faith.

Confirmation Verse: Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.


 堅信式の聖句:詩篇23:1 主はわたしの羊飼い、わたしには何も欠けることがない。
Blaine Warren Harwood

My name is Blaine Harwood. I want to be confirmed because I am working to learn more about my faith. Faith is something I heard a lot in my house and at church, but I had no idea what it meant. I have faith because God helped me many times in my life, like when I clotheslined myself on a dirt bike, or when wrestling, and when my mom almost died and I had to say goodbye to her. God has always been a big part of my life but became bigger in that moment. My mom is a big part of my life. So is the rest of my family and I know that everything is part of God’s plan. I know that no matter what happens, even bad things God can help me know what to do.

Confirmation Verse: John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.


 堅信式の聖句:ヨハネ14:27 わたしは、平和をあなたがたに残し、わたしの平和を与える。わたしはこれを、世が与えるように与えるのではない。心を騒がせるな。おびえるな。


Blaine, Alexis, Nora

Nora, Alexis, Blainer

with Pastor Nearhood


The Harwood Family