堅信の証Confirmation Testimony
大嶺十六夜 Ohmine Izaya
2020年3月1日March 1, 2020






My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 11:28.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

There are two reasons.

First, this verse is probably the first Bible verse that I heard. And so it easily comes to my mind soon.

Second, it is a relaxing Bible passage. Even if we are carrying a heavy load, it gives the good feeling of security. That is, when someone goes to God, these Words say that anyone can have peace of mind. And so I chose this passage.

イザヤさんが書いた絵です。好きな聖句です。Izaya's drawing of her favorite Bible Passage.

式の時の写真(お父さんが取った写真です。)Photos taken by her father during the ceremony.

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