Okinawa Lutheran Church (JLC)
May 2, 2004, The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Four youth confessed (confirmed) their faith into which they were Baptized.

Shaylee May Fuller
Ethan Rhoads
Isaac Rhoads
Jeremiah David Johnson

These are their

Confirmation Testimonies

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Isaac Rhoads
What Christianity is to Me
To me it isn't just a faith: it is a guideline to live our lives. It keeps us from getting out of line. To me it's my life because God is my father. I owe everything to him because he is my creator and my redeemer. This faith keeps some people from ending it all. He loves and cares and will never abandon us. That is what Christianity is to me.

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Ethan Rhoads
My Belief
To me, being a Christian is knowing where I will go when I die. Other religions worship gods and try to do good things to please them yet they will never join them. Jesus Christ promises us a life with him in heaven if we confess our sins. Heaven is waiting if we believe - and I do with all my heart - that I can be forgiven with all of my family and Jesus will furnish our every need in heaven.

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Jeremiah David Johnston
A Scientist and a Christian
Confirmation has really been a fun thing for me. The truth of the whole matter is that I'll really miss confirmation. As a future scientist (hopefully) and Christian, I've found that it's really hard to be both. You find yourself caught between things you know as a scientist that are real and the things that you know as a Christian are real too. Fortunately, every thing has so far turned out well. This is because a lot of things in the Bible link with common scientific research now a days. That might get me off the subject though because I might go into what I think which might take a while to get through.

Confirmation educated me in those things and a few other things as well. For instance, I know a lot more specific things about the different stories in the Bible that I've always known. Take the apostles for instance. I never really knew what happened to them. Now I know that most of them died pretty gruesome deaths as martyrs. Either way, confirmation has really been an interesting class. I know that I have definitely learned a lot more things than I knew when I first started. I now know what makes me Lutheran and how I am uniquely one. So, at the end of this pretty short speech, I feel more confident of my lifestyle - that is, of a scientist and a Lutheran. I know that GOD and Jesus will still love me with what ever I do with my life. Thank you.

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Shalee May Fuller
Learning about Faith
I believe in many things. I believe in myself, my family and my friends, and most importantly I believe that Jesus Christ died so that my sins may be forgiven and I would have a chance to eternally be with him in heaven. The catechism class I have been attending has taught me all about faith and I would say that my faith has grown from it. I have found out what the Bible says about God, what it says about God's teachings and promises, and I have faith in it. To me, faith is a very strong word. Although we may not have a very strong faith in trying times, when you strongly agree with something and no one can tell you that it is wrong, your faith is at its strongest.
I have learned so much from the confirmation class that it is all so hard to sum up with just one paragraph. But when we found Okinawa Lutheran Church I was pleased to find that I could begin my catechism classes when my 7th grade school year started. It was fun to be a prat of the class because there were many energetic and fun loving people. Pastor Nearhood made classes fun. We had fun learning new words and occasionally playing games. I liked reading out of the catechism book the most. I was most interested in learning what Martin Luther himself wrote about the Lutheran religion and how he thought we should live and think about life. I compared it to how I thought I should live and how Martin Luther says life should be lived. It was very interesting and I think I benefited from it greatly. Thank you, Pastor Nearhood, for teaching me things I never would have learned without you and getting me to my confirmation day. :)

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アイザック ローズ、15才
僕にとってキリスト教とはただの信仰ではありません。それは僕たちの人生を導いてくれる道しるべです。信仰は道からはずれないように助けてくれます。僕にとって信仰は人生です。なぜなら神様は僕のお父さんだからです。僕は神様が僕の創造者であり贖い主なのですべての事を神様に感謝します。 この信仰は人々を自殺から守ります。神様は僕たちを愛して守ってくださるので、決して僕たちを見捨てません。これが僕にとってのキリスト教です。

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イーサン ローズ、14才

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ジェレマイヤ デェビッド ジョンストン、13才


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シェーリー メイ フーラー、13才
ニアフッド先生はクラスをとても楽しくしてくれました。時々新しい言葉を学ぶときやゲームをした時はとても楽しかったです。一番たのしかってのは小教理問答書を読み上げるときです。とても興味深かったのはマーチン・ルターがどのようにルーテル教会の教えを書いたか、そして彼が考えたのは私たちがどのように人生を考え生きるべきかです。私は私の考えとマーチン・ルターがいかに人生を生きるべきかを比較しました。私はこの事からたくさんの事を学びました。ニアフッド先生のおかげで多くの事を堅信礼のクラスから学べた事、そして堅信礼の日を迎えれたことに感謝します。 :)