Okinawa Lutheran Church is a "Lutheran" Church. That means that our teachings are the same as those of the Great Reformer, Martin Luther who lived in the 16 Century in Germany.The summary of the teachings of the Lutheran Church is this:
Salvation is by Faith in Jesus Christ only. It is not by our own works. It is only through the grace (=love and mercy) of God.
This is not just a statement in our heads, but it is in our hearts and in our lives. It means that we live in humility, relying on the grace and love of God, and relying on the forgiveness of our sins through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are not saved by what we do, but by what Christ has done for us. We live by the Gospel, not by the Law. But we do not throw away the law. Rather, we know that the law condemns us as sinners, but the Gospel forgives us when we believe in Jesus as our Savior.
So, four key words of the teaching of the church and the life of the Lutheran believer are:
1. By Faith Alone
2. By Grace Alone
3. By Christ Alone
4. By Scripture Alone
Charateristics of the Lutheran Teachings:
We baptize infants. (They are part of "all nations" to whom the Gospel is proclaimed.)
We believe that Christ is really present in his body and blood in the Holy Communion.
God's word is divided into Law and Gospel. This is God's "bad news" to sinners, and God's "Good News" of salvation.