Pastor |
Pastor Nearhood came to Japan in 1975 as a member of the "Volunteer Youth Mininstry." He taught English in a church English School in the Tokyo area and was the Program Director of the Sapporo Youth Center before being ordained in Japan by the Japan Lutheran Church in 1984. He has served churches in Tokyo, Niigata Prefecture and Hokkaido Prefecture.
He is married to Masako (who plays the organ for the English Service).
You can e-mail the pastor at
You can send postal mail to the following address:
Okinawa Lutheran Church
362 Shimabukuro
Okinawa 901-2301
Or you can call the pastor by telephone:
Church phone and fax: (within Japan) 098-933-5535, (from abroad) 011-81(Japan)-98-933-5535
Parsonage phone and fax:(within Japan) 098-932-6560, (from abroad) 011-81(Japan)-98-932-6560
The Pastor's Cell phone: 090-8402-2301
Or pray for the pastor, his family, and the Okinawa Lutheran Church.