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When a typhoon is near, should I go to church?

We had a church meeting around the coffee pot a few years ago [it was TC-1C at the time] and decided the following: [note: the wording of the Typhoon Conditions might be slightly changed.]

If it is TC-1E or TC-1R, there is no church.

If it is TC-1C, use your judgment (common sense).
If the weather is bad, stay home! TC-1C lasts about 12 hours before going to TC-1E, so if we have just entered "Typhoon Condition - 1 Caution," like at 6:00 AM or right before church, then it is probably safe to come to church. If it has been TC-1C since Saturday evening, then the typhoon is probably very close by now and we could go into TC-1E during church, and then everyone would have to hurry home immediately. So, use your common sense: if it looks like we will soon go into TC-1E or if it looks dangerous or if you do not feel comforable, do not come to church, please stay home.

Consult this chart:

Typhoon Condition Church? Definition Actions to Take
TC-3 YES Destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are possible within 72 hours. Stock up on food and batteries and clean up outside areas. Pray that we may be spared.
TC-2 YES Destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are possible within 48 hours. Secure your quarters. Pray that the typhoon will not come to us.
TC-1 YES Destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are possible within 12 hours. Dodd Schools are closed. Pray for protection.
TC-1C CAUTIONMAYBE Destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are anticipated within 12 hours. Winds of 34 to 49 knots are occuring. All outside activites are discontinued. Other than those who are in URGENT military or civil missions are released from work. Pray and Trust God.
TC-1E EMERGENCY NO Destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are occuring. Power failure may occur. All outside activites are prohibited. You must stay inside. Pray and Trust God.
TC-1R RECOVERY NO Destructive winds passed but winds of 34 to 49 knots are still occuring. All outside activites are prohibited. Repair teams begin their operations. Pray and Trust God.
TC-SW STORM WATCH YES The typoon is moving away. However, there might be hazardous areas that the storm has damaged. Normal activites are resumed. Pray and Thank God.
ALL CLEAR YES All tropical cyclone danger has passed. The typhoon danger has passed. Normal readiness. DoDD schools restart. Pray Praise and Thank God, as always!

[This table information is from the Okinawa Yellow Pages.]

Other Resources:

  • For the current Typhoon Condition, check this link. (TCCOR 1 Emergency or TCCOR 1 Recovery = No Church.)

  • Local Weather Cameras of Diving Spots

    Prayer Resources:

    You may pray these or a similar prayers.

    For Repentance in the Face of Disaster:
    "Gracious God, our heavenly Father, Your Son Jesus taught His disciples to repent in the face of disaster. Having seen the fury of the whirlwind, we acknowledge our sin before You and plead that You not deal with us as our sins deserve. Look down on us and our land according to Your mercy. Turn our hearts to You, the Father of all mercy and the God of all consolation, who reconciled all things in the death of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Have mercy on us and hear us, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

    For Divine Protection:
    "O God, because you justify the ungodly and desire not the death of the sinner, we humbly implore you graciously to assist by your heavenly aid, and evermore shield with your divine protection, your servants who trust in your mercy, that they may be separated from you by no temptations but may serve you without ceasing; thourgh Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

    Suggested Readings
    Matthew 14:22-33 Mark 4:35-41 Luke 13:1-5 Romans 8:18-25 Romans 8:31-39 Psalm 23 Psalm 62 Habakkuk 3:8-19 Job 38:1-18 Lamentations 3:19-26