Pentecost 2003,


Nina, Gavin, Austin

Austin, Gavin, Nina

Austin, Gavin, Nina

Nina's Baptism

Nina's Baptism "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Masako Translating Pastor Tim Runtsch's Sermon

The Congreation of Okinawa Lutheran Church.

(Please note the abundance of red, the color of the fire of the Holy Spirit!)




(Thank you, Mr. Kyan, for taking these pictures. I apologize for reducing the size and quality of the original beautiful photos for placing on this web page.)

Confirmation Testimonies, 2003

Austin Thomas Hubbard

During confirmation I have learned many things. I have learned more about God’s will and how we should follow it. I have realized my shortcomings and weaknesses in my life. Along with God’s will I’ve also learned much about the church’s history. I have learned times in the church history that I knew and some that I didn’t know very much about.

Throughout the course of the year, I have become closer with the other people in my class and the pastor. Over all I enjoyed the confirmation class and appreciated the time the pastor spent with the questions I asked. I feel that my confirmation has taught me about God’s will and will help me walk closer to God throughout my life.





Gavin Moore Peterman

For my confirmation summary I chose to write my favorite Bible verse. The first time that I ever heard this verse was when my brother got confirmed. It was his favorite verse. After I heard it I liked it and it soon became my favorite.

Whenever I feel sad or mad I recite my favorite verse, Matthew 28:20 “Lo, I am with you always even until the end of the world.” I really like this verse because it demonstrates how much the disciples loved JESUS and GOD. It also showed how they would follow him through anything. That is why Matthew 28: 20 is my favorite passage.



悲しい時また怒っている時、私の一番好きな聖句を暗誦します、マタイ28:20,「見よ、わたしは世の終りまで、いつもあなたがたと共にいる。」この聖句が本当に好きなのは、弟子達がイエス様と神様をどんなに愛したかを現すからです。また、弟子達がどんな事があってもイエス様に従う事を現します。ですからマタイ28:  20は私の一番好きな聖句です。

Nina Corrine

Today I am showing my faith to the congregation by being baptized and confirmed.

One of my favorite Bible verses is: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind” (Mt. 22:37). The reason I like this verse is because without loving the Lord you God with all your heart, soul, and mind you will never get to heaven. That’s why I am getting baptized and confirmed because I want to get to heaven, and I Love the Lord My God with all My heart, with all My soul, and with all My mind.



