Resources for Reformation
Skits written by Pastor Nearhood ニアフッド牧師が書いたスキット
Click to Download.
“Martin Luther, Where Are You?” A Skit for Reformation
"A Hammer and Nails" A Skit for the Reformation Party
“金槌と釘" 宗教改革記念日のスキット
“95 Theses in English"
95箇条の提題--日本語 “95 Theses in Japanese"
“Reformation Party Songs"
Luther Rose. Click and save, will open in new window.
ルターのシンボル。 クリックして、保存できます。新しい窓で開きます。
Luther Rose, Color
Luther Rose, Black & White. Large size.
Luther Rose, Color. Very small.
Luther Rose, Color. With Santa Hat.