ÿþ<html><head></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <title>Sermons at Okinawa Lutheran Church</title> <p align="center"><font color="#FF0000" size="5"><b>Sermons at Okinawa Lutheran Church<br></b></font></p><br><center> <table border="3"><tbody><tr> <td><a href="sermonindexj.htm"> <img src="serinjapjap.jpg" alt="åe,gžŠn0¬ŠYe"></a><br><a href="sermonindexj.htm">Japanese</a></td> <td><img src="luths.gif" height="50" width="50"></td> <td><a href="sermonindexe.htm"> <img src="serinengjap.jpg" alt="ñ‚žŠn0¬ŠYe"></a><br><a href="sermonindexe.htm">English</a></td></tr></tbody> </table><br> <table border="2"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><p><font size="3">These are Sunday Morning Sermons. The sermon will open in a new window.<br<br></br<br></font></p></td></tr></tbody> </table></center> <hr><p id="english"></p> <p><font color="#FF0000" size="5"><b>Sermons in English <img src="serinengjap.jpg" alt="ñ‚žŠn0¬ŠYe"></b></font><font size="3"><br> (The top in the list is the latest sermon.)<img src="newsermon.gif" alt="new sermon"> </font><br> </p><p align="right"><a href="../index.htm"><font color="red" size="3">Home Index Page</font></a><br></p> <hr> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- //make something called time which contains the current date; time = new Date (); //extract the correct day from time and put it into a variable called today; var today = time.getDate(); //write some HTML to load the right image document.write("<P><CENTER><IMG align='right' ALT='Cross Picture of the Day*today*' SRC=http://church.ne.jp/okiluth/fun/dailycalendar/" + today + ".gif border=1></CENTER></P>") // --> </script><p clear=all><br> <font color="red"> <b>Year 2024 below</b></font><br> . <a href=".htm"></a><imgsrc="newsermon.gif"><br> . <a href=".htm"></a><imgsrc="newsermon.gif"><br> . <a href=".htm"></a><imgsrc="newsermon.gif"><br> . <a href=".htm"></a><imgsrc="newsermon.gif"><br> 24-46. <a href="john22024.htm">If John the Baptist Were to Come Here Today</a> <img src="newsermon.gif"> <br> 24-45. <a href="oneadventc2024.htm">Advent: He Came Humbly</a> <br> 24-44. <a href="secondcoming2024.htm">The Second Coming of Christ: The Time is Ripe </a><br> 24-43. <a href="ourtemples2024.htm">Our Temples</a><br> 24-42. <a href="saints2024.htm">We Also Are Saints</a><br> 24-41. <a href="jesusfrees.htm">Jesus Makes Us Free (Reformation Sunday)</a><br> 24-40. <a href="ambition2024.htm">Ambition and Ransom</a><br> 24-39. <a href="assurance2024.htm">Assurance of Salvation</a><br> 24-38. <a href="divorce2024.htm">Divorce</a><br> 24-37. <a href="michael2024.htm">St. Michael and All Angels</a><br> 24-36. <a href="pride2024.htm">Pride</a><br> 24-35. <a href="peter2024.htm">Peter and Us. (Bilingual)</a><br> 24-34. <a href="ephphatha2024.htm"> He has done all things well. Ephphatha! </a><br> 24-33. <a href="armor2024.htm">Put on the Holy Armor</a><br> 24-32. <a href="complaining.htm">Religious Complaining</a><br> 24-31. <a href="whereelse2024.htm">Where Else Can We Go?</a><br> 24-30. <a href="breaddailylife2024.htm">The Daily Bread of Life</a><br> 24-29. <a href="breadlife.htm">"I AM the Bread of Life"</a><br> 24-28. <a href="covenants2024.htm">Covenants: Noah and Jesus</a><br> 24-27. <a href="miraclelove2024.htm">The Miracle of Love and Compassion</a><br> 24-26. <a href="haunted2024.htm">Hunted by Memories, But Given Hope by  Doing It in Memory of Me  </a><br> 24-25. <a href="hometown2024.htm">A Prophet to the Hometown</a><br> 24-24. <a href="hope2024.htm">Hope, Faith, Love</a><br> 24-23. <a href="bonvoyage.htm">Bon Voyage! Jesus Calms Our Storms</a><br> 24-22. <a href="growth2024.htm">The Growth of th Kingdom</a><br> 24-21. <a href="adameve.htm">We Are Adam and Eve</a><br> 24-20. <a href="sabb2024.htm">The Sabbath Day is a Gift from God</a><br> 24-19. <a href="isaiahvision.htm">Isaiah's Vision, Our Vision</a><br> 24-18c. <a href="pentecost2024.htm">Pentecost</a><br> 24-18b. <a href="ascension2024.htm">Ascension</a><br> 24-18. <a href="pingponglove2024.htm">Ping Pong Love</a> <br> 24-17. <a href="connected2024.htm">Jesus Connects Himself to Us</a><br> 24-16. <a href="shepherd2024.htm">The Good Shepherd and the Good Sheep</a><br> 24-15. <a href="scars2024.htm">The Scars o Jesus</a><br> 24-14. <a href="anticipation2024.htm">Anticipation of Our Resurrectdion</a><br> 24-13. <a href="easter2024notbewildered.htm">Easter: No Longer Bewildered</a><br> 24-12. <a href="goodfriday2024.htm">For Forgiveness</a><br> 24-11. <a href="omygod.htm">"Oh, My God!" Palm/Passion Sunday</a><br> 24-10. <a href="glorytojesus.htm">Glory Be to Jesus</a><br> 24-9. <a href="snakes2024.htm">Fiery Serpents & Jesus Are Lifted Up</a><br> 24-8. <a href="temples2024.htm">Cleansing Temples</a><br> 24-7. <a href="wonderfulplan.htm">God's Wonderful Plan</a><br> 24-6. <a href="leadmenot.htm">Lead Me Not into Temptation</a><br> 24-4. <a href="ashchoco.htm">Ash Wednesday, Valentine's Day: Ashes and Chocolate</a><br> 24-3. <a href="fearlove.htm">Fear and Love</a><br> 24-2. <a href="eph2024.htm">Epiphany Sunday & Jesus Is Close</a><br> 24-1. <a href="jan1-2024.htm">Fighting with Dragons</a>><br> <br> <font color="red"><b>Year 2023 below</b></font><br> For the latest videos of the sermons, in Japanese, go to <a href="http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgK-63gXKRqq8T80jfvVZwQ">Youtube page</a><br> <font color=red><b> 2343. <a href="chmaseve2023.htm">The Manger of Our Hearts</a><br> 2342. <a href="chmas2023.htm">Celebrating the Plan of God at Christmas</a><br> <b></font> 2341. <a href="adv2b2023.htm">Prepare Your Hearts and Lives through Baptism</a><br> 2340. <a href="foolinthedark.htm"> I Am a Fool in the Dark. Lord, Please Give Me the Oil of Faith. </a><br> 2339. <a href="allsaints2023.htm">Saints Are Connected to God </a><br> 2338. <a href="ref2023.htm">The Reformation Is about the Forgiveness of Sin </a><br> 2337. <a href="taxes2023.htm">Taxes To Caesar, Our Lives to God </a><br> 2336. <a href="weddinggarment2023.htm">Wedding Invitation & Wedding Garment </a><br> 2335. <a href="vineyard2023.htm">The Promised Land, The Vineyard of God </a><br> 2334. <a href="authority2023.htm">The Authority of Jesus</a><br> 2333. <a href="workers2023.htm">We Are the Workers in Christ s Vineyard</a><br> 2332. <a href="joseph2023.htm">Joseph and Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Forgiveness...</a><br> 2331. <a href="lawloveforgiveness.htm">Law, Love, Forgiveness</a><br> 2330. <a href="hinderance2023.htm">Don t Be a Hindrance, Get behind Jesus and Follow Him</a><br> 2329. <a href="5000fed2023.htm">In Feeding the 5000 We See the Compassion of God</a><br> 2328. <a href="treasure2023.htm">Gospel Treasure</a><br> 2327. <a href="groan2023.htm">We Don't Groan Alone</a><br> 2326. <a href="happysower2023.htm">The Parable of the Happy Sower</a><br> 2325. <a href="yoke2023.htm">The Yoke of Jesus is Pure Gospel</a><br> 2324. <a href="cupofwater.htm">A Cup of Cold Water</a><br> 2323. <a href="muchmore2023.htm"> Much More  at the Right Time Romans 5:6 15 </a><br> 2322. <a href="matthew2023.htm">We Have Been Called like Matthew</a><br> 2321. <a href="trinitymystery2023.htm">Living with the Trinity Mystery</a><br> 2320. <a href="pentecost2023.htm"> Fifty are Too Many, So: Five Things about Pentecost </a><br> 2319. <a href="ascension2023.htm">What if Jesus Had Not Ascended </a><br> 2318. <a href="athens2023.htm">The  Unknown God Is Revealed</a><br> 2317. <a href="stephen.htm">Stephen: Deacon and Martyr: A Man who Found the True Way to Life</a><br> 2316. <a href="bababa2023.htm">I Just Wanna' Be A Sheep</a><br> 2315. <a href="remainsforever2023.htm">The Word of the Lord Remains Forever</a><br> 2314. <a href="thomas2023.htm">Faith Is a Blessing</a><br> 2313. <a href="easter2023.htm"><font color=red><b>Easter 2023</b></font></a><br> 2312. <a href="judas2023.htm">We Are Differnt than Judas</a><br> 2311. <a href="bones2023.htm">Can These Bones Live?</a><br> 2310. <a href="light2023.htm">"I AM the Light of the World</a><br> 2309. <a href="abraham2023.htm">Faith like Abraham's</a><br> 2308. <a href="translisten2023.htm">Transfiguration: Listen to Jesus</a><br> 2307. <a href="butisay.htm">But I Say to You</a><br> 2306. <a href="right2023.htm">Righteousness</a><br> 2305. <a href="beat2023.htm">Aditudes toward to Beatitudes</a><br> 2304. <a href="naphtali.htm">Light Has Shined upon Us</a><br> 2303. <a href="sacrifices2023.htm">Sacrifices in the Bible: "Behold the Lamb of God"</a><br> 2302. <a href="eph2023.htm">Putting Gospel into Hymns </a><br> 2301. <a href="begin2023.htm">Time to Begin with Christ</a><br> <hr color=red> <hr> <br> <br> <br> <center><table border="3"><tbody><tr><td> <a href="sermonindexj.htm">åe,gžŠ</a><br><a href="sermonindexj.htm">Japanese</a></td><td> <img src="luths.gif" height="50" width="50"></td><td> <a href="sermonindexe.htm">ñ‚0žŠ</a><br><a href="sermonindexe.htm">English</a></td></tr></tbody></table></center><br> <br><a href="sermonarchive.htm">A.</a><br> <hr><p align="center"> <a href="http://www.church.ne.jp/okiluth"><font color="red" size="3">Home Index Page</font></a> <feb.27, 2013.="" the="" list="" was="" shortened.=""> </feb.27,></p></imgsrc="newsermon.gif"></imgsrc="newsermon.gif"></body></html>