Sermons at Okinawa Lutheran Church
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These are Sunday Morning Sermons. The sermon will open in a new window. |
Sermons in English
(The top in the list is the latest sermon.)
Year 2021 below
2105. Healing & Magic
2104. The Kingdom of God Has Come Near
2103. Philip and Nathanael
2102. Baptism and the Holy Spirit
2101. The Year of the Cow, the Year of the Lord 2021
Year 2020 below
2047. Christ at Home, Q & A
2046. Christmas Eve, "With Us"
2045. Mary & Gabriel & You
2044. Rejoice Always
2043. The Advent Preaching of John the Baptist for Us Today
2042. Advent. Jesus Is Coming Toward Us to Be with Us
2041. Firstfruits
2040. Talented Waiting
2039. Give Me Oil
2038. The Saints Were Sinners
2037. The Word "Grace" as a Verb
2036. Taxes to Caesar and the Two Kingdoms
2035. Wedding Invitation
2034. Vote for Jesus
2033. The Center of Christianity: Forgiveness
2032. Forgiving, Restoring the Brother and Sister
2031. We Are Peter, #2
2030. We Are Peter
1433. Salvation is for All NationsFrom the Archive
2029. Faith Is like Walking on Water
2028. Countless Fed the Bread of Life
2027. My Favorite Bible Verse
2026. Weeds
2025. Soil and Seeds
2024. Faithfulness to God
2023. Lives Matters
2022. The Mystery of the Holy Trinity. 1 + 1 + 1 = 1
2021. Pentecost: The Living Water of the Holy Spirit
2020. The Ascension of Christ: What Does This Mean?
2019. “I Will Not Leave You as Orphans; I Will Come to You.”
2018. I am the door of the sheep. “Discerning the Voice of the Shepherd”
2017. Walking to Emmaus with Jesus
2016. Jesus Believes in Thomas, or, His Wounds Were Ours
2015. Easter: Roll the Stone Away!
2014. Palm Sunday: "Behold the Lamb of God"
2014b. Palm Sunday: "Behold the Lamb of God"
2013. Jesus Wept
2012. I was born blind, but now I see!
2011. Thirsty
2010. God's Friend, Nicodemus
2009. Don't Jump! (Lent 1, Year A)
2009b. Don't Jump!
2008. The Transfiguration: Listen to Jesus
2007. Which is Harder: to Follow the Law or Live by the Gospel?
2006. The Presentation of Our Lord
2005. I Follow Christ
2004. Behold the Lamb of God. Sacrifices in the Bible
2003. Baptism Life: Living Wet
2002. Our Gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
2002b. Our Gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
2001. Happy Year of Prayer
Year 2019 below
1948. Christmas Sunday: The Savior who Needed to be Saved!
1947. Christmas Eve: For You
1947b. For You
* * * Advent * * *
1946. Son of God, Son of Man
1945. Tell John
1944. John the Baptist Speaks to Us
1943. Advent - Come
1943b. Advent - Come
1942. Your Redemption Is Drawing Near
1941. He Is the God of the Living (Resurrection)
1940. The Commuinon of Saints (All Saints Sunday)
1939. Reformation Sinday: Are You Going to Heaven?
1938. Don't Give Up
1937. Faith and Thanksgiving
1936. Saint Michael and All Angels
1935. Managers of the Gospel
1934. Lost, but found by Jesus, because He knows where I am
1933. Saint Paul’s Plea for Onesimus
1932. Where Do You Like to Sit in Church?
1932b. Where Do You Like to Sit in Church?
1931. The Narrow Door
1930. Signs
1929. Don't Worry
1928. Real Security
1928b. Real Security
1927. Chosing the Good Portion
1927 extra. The Christian "Food" Pyramid
1926. The Good Samaritan
1925. You Reap What You Sow
1924. Legion
1923. In the Name
1922. Pentecost and Babel
1921. Ascension: What does this mean for me?
1920. Overcoming the World through Christ
1919. The Eleventh Commandment: Love One Another
1918. Are You the Messiah?
1917. Feed My Sheep
1917b. Feed My Sheep
1916. Blessed Faith
1915. Easter Sunday: The Light that Overcomes the Black Hole of Sin
1915b. Easter Sunday: The Light that Overcomes the Black Hole of Sin
1914. Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise
1913. Fruit from the Vineyard
1913b. Fruit from the Vineyard
1912. Rejoicing Father
1911. Why a Tower, Why a Tree, Why Me?
1910. Go Tell that Fox
1909. We Are Tempted and Tested just like Jesus
1908. Transfiguration—Advice for the Disciples from the O.T. Prophets
1908b. Transfiguration—Advice for the Disciples from the O.T. Prophets
1907. Love Your Enemy
1906. Hope because Jesus Came Down
1905. Fish → Fear → Faith
1904. Noisy Love
1904b. Noisy Love
1903. Jesus, You Change Water into Wine: You Change the World and Us into Thine
1902. The Baptism Ship
1901. What Is Your Gift for the Christ Child?
1901b. What Is Your Gift for the Christ Child?
Year 2018 below
1843. At the Manger#6, At the Temple
1842. At the Manger #5, The Manger--Christmas Eve
1842b. At the Manger #5, The Manger--Christmas Eve
1841. At the Manger #4, Shepherds
1840. At the Manger #3, Joseph
1839. At the Manger #2, Mary
1838. At the Manger #1
1838b. At the Manger #1
1837. When?
1836. Who Gives? Who Receives?
1835. Who or What Is a Saint?
1835b. Who or What Is a Saint?
1834. Set Free Indeed. Reformation #501
1833. The Rich Young Ruler and Me/You
1832. The US in JES-US
1831. Who is the Greatest?
1830. Healing, Faith, Prayer
1829. “He has done all things well. Ephphatha!”
1828. Protection
1828b. Protection
1827. To Whom Else Could We Go?
1826. I Am the Bread of Eternal Life
1825. I AM the Bread of Life
1824. The Miracle of Love and Compassion
1823. Hunted by Memories, But Given Hope by ‘Doing It in Memory of Me’
1822. Rejected at Nazareth
1821. The Third Commandment, the Third Freedom
1820. The Holy Trinity: a Lecture and a Sermon
1819. Can These Bones Live? (Pentecost)
1818. Ascension Sunday
1817 . Love One Another: Beach Ball Love
1817b. Love One Another: Beach Ball Love
1816. Vine and Branches
1815. He Leads Me for His Name's Sake
1814. The Key to Understand Scripture
1813. Encountered, Taught, Interpreted
1812. Easter: Let'es God to Galilee
1812b. Let's Go to Galilee
1811. The Two Trials of Jesus, Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday
1810. Glory Be To Jesus
1809. Looking up to Jesus
1808. Cleansing Temples
1808b. Cleansing Temples
1807. The Humanity of Jesus Tested
1806. Listen to Jesus
1805. Christ's Mission, Our Mission
1805b. Christ's Mission, Our Mission
1804. How Do You React to Jesus?
1803. Jesus the Good Fisherman
1802. Epiphany: Why We Worship
1802b. Epiphany: Why We Worship(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1801. A.D. 2018, The Year of the Dog
Year 2017 below
1745. Christmas According to St. John
1744. Christmas Eve. Christmas Peace
1744b. Christmas Eve. Christmas Peace(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1744. Christmas According to Matthew
_______ Luther Home Christmas, 2017 Children's Pageant Christmas Extra
1743. The Annunciation of God's Plan
1742. Walking in the Wilderness
1741. Christ Is Coming"
1741b. Christ Is Coming!(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1740. Plant a Tree Today
1739. Two Kingdoms
1738. Law and Gospel
1737. At the Same Time Saint and Sinner, “Simul Justus et Pecattor”
1737b. At the Same Time Saint and Sinner, “Simul Justus et Pecattor”(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1736. Inculgences
1735. Sola Scriptura, Scriptdure Alone
1734. Solus Christus, Christ Alone
1733. Sola Fide, Faith Alone
1732. Grace Alone
1732b. Grace Alone(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1731. Problems in the Vineyard and the Solution
1730. Joseph and Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Forgiveness……
1729. Ezekiel
1728. Don't Be a Hinderance
1728b. Don't Be a Hinderance(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1727. Who Am I?
1726. Crumbs of Mercy
1725. Love and Compassion: Feeding 5000
1725b. Love and Compassion: Feeding 5000(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1724. My Favorite Bible Passage
1723. Weeds in the Garden
1722. Soil
1721. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
1720. Faithfulness to God is like a Marriage
1720b. Faithfulness to God is like a Marriage
(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1719. Who Is Your Boss?
1718. Good Timing! Well Done!
1717. Trinity!
1716. What Does the Holy Spirit Look Like?<
1715b. What Does the Holy Spirit Look Like?(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1715. Christ's Ascension: What Does TEhis Mean?
1714. A Helper for Keeping the Commandments of Christ
1713. The Way to the Heavenly Mansion
1712. Four Proclamations for Easter
1711. The Message of the Easter Angel
1711b. The Message of the Easter Angel(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1710. Lazarus Was Dead
1710b. Lazarus Was Dead(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1709. Living Water
1708. Who is Nicodemus?
1707. Jesus the Superhero Meets the Devil
1707b. Jesus the Superhero Meets the Devil(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1706. Transfiguration: Advice from the Prophets
1705. The Sermon on the Mount: Don't be a Wimp, Love your Enemy!
1704. The Sermon on the Mount: Anger
1703. Living Wet
1702. Star Focus
1701. Birds
1701b. Birds(Written in both English and Japanese.)
Year 2016 below
1644. Christmas Day, Christ Is Registered as a Citizen of Earth
1643. Christmas Eve, Why Shepherds?
1643b. Christmas Eve, Why Shepherds?(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1642. The Virgin Birth - Immanuel
1641. The One Who Was to Come: Jesus Christ
1640. Three Trees(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1639. Three Donkeys
1638. "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"
1638b. "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1637. The Reformation Continues
1636. Asking for Mercy
1635. Don't Give Up!
1634. Rise and Go. Your Faith Has Made You Well
1633. Faith in order to Forgive
1633b. Faith in order to Forgive(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1632. Christ Crosses the Chasm
1631. Jesus Knows Where We Are
1630. Faith Built on the Tower of the Cross of Christ(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1629. The Value of Fellowship
1628. Will Only a Few Be Saved?
1627. Peace???
1626. Why Lilies Do Not Worry
1626b. Why Lilies Do Not Worry(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1625. All Is Vanity? The Meaning of Life
1624. Studying, Praying, Living the Lord's Prayer
1623. Waiting with Abraham
1622. How to be a GOOD Good Samaritan
1621. No Other Gospel
1620. Ascension: Where Is Jesus?
1619. The Peace of the Lord
1619b. The Peace of the Lord(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1618. Love One Another
1617. Psalm 23: My Cup Runneth Over
1616. Going Fishing
1615. Joy, Comfort, Confession
1615b. Joy, Comfort, Confession>
1614. Easter Sunday. Looking for Jesus
1614b. Easter Sunday. Looking for Jesus(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1613. Palm Sunday--The Innocence of Jesus
1612. Prophecy and a Lesson in Bible and Church History
1611. The Prodigal Father
1610. When Towers Fall
1609. "Go Tell That Fox"
1608. We Are Tempted and Tested just like Jesus
1607. Advice for the Disciples from the O.T. Prophets(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1606. 1 Corinthians 13 Style Love
1605. The Campaign of Jesus
1604. Water to Wine
1603. The Water of Baptism
1602. Epiphany Sunday, "Where Is The King?"
1602b. Epiphany Sunday, "Where Is The King?"(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1601. Living by Faith=Living by the Grace of God
2015 below
1554. Christ at Home (The Presentation of Our Lord
1553. Christmas Angels #5--Christmas Eve: Angels Sing “Glory” and “Peace”
1553b. Christmas Angels #5--Christmas Eve: Angels Sing “Glory” and “Peace” (Written in both English and Japanese.)
1552. Sermon Series, Christmas Angels: #4--Shepherds Hear the Gospel
1551. Sermon Series, Christmas Angels: #3--The Angel Speaks to Joseph in a Dream
1550. Christmas Angels: #2--
The Angel Gabriel and Mary
1550b. Christmas Angels: #2--
The Angel Gabriel and Mary(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1549. Christmas Angels: #1--
The Angel Gabriel and Zechariah and Me
1548. Thanksgiving
1547. "When will these things be?" "Now!"
1546. Giving 100%
1545.. Who or What is a "Saint"?
1545b. Who or What is a "Saint"?(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1544. Reformation: Repent
1543. St. Luke and Needles
1542. The Rich Young Man and Me/You
1541. Adam's Love Song (Loneliness, Marriage and Divorce)
1541b. Adam's Love Song(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1540. Greatness
1539. Faith and Trust
1538. Hearing from the Heart
1538. Hearing from the Heart(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1537 All Foods are Clean, or, Cheeseburgers with Bacon
1536. Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
1535. Where Else Could We Go?
1534. The Bread of Life
1533. "I Am The Bread of Life(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1532. Covenants: Noah and Jesus
1531. The Peace of God, Ephesians 2:11-22
1530. How Do You Measure-up?
1529. A Prophet to Your Hometown(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1528. Hope and Faith
1527. Jesus Stills Storms
1526. Parables of Growing Seed
1525. Taking the Blame
1525b. Taking the Blame(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1524. Three People who Witnessed the Holy Trinity
1523. Why We Need the Holy Spirit
1522. Installation Sermon by Rev. Mamoru Saito(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1521. We are One in Christ(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1520. Love One Another
1519. Connected to Jesus: “I am the vine; you are the branches.”
1519b. Connected to Jesus: “I am the vine; you are the branches.”
(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1518. Who is the Good Sheep?
1517. The Key to Understanding Scripture
1516. The Shalom Peace of the Risen Christ
1515. Easter: Who Will Roll Away the Stone?
1515b. Easter: Who Will Roll Away the Stone?(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1514. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #6, Good Friday
1513. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #5, Maundy Thursday
1512. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #4, Holy Wednesday
1511. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #3, Holy Tuesday
1510. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #2, Holy Monday
1510b. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #2, Holy Monday(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1509. Lenten Sermon Series, “Holy Week” #1, Palm Sunday
1508. Transfiguration: Listen to Jesus
1507. Healing & Magic
1506. Shrieking in Church?
1505. Disciple
1504. God Sees Us
1503. The Baptism of Our Lord: You, Too, are a Child of God
1502. Epiphany Sunday: The Five Points of the Star ☆
1501. New Year 2015, the Year of the Sheep: The Lamb of God
2014 below
1450. Christ at Home in the Temple
1449. Christmas Eve: Glory!
1448. Christmas Celebration
1447. Rejoice Always
1446. Emmanue:l Prophecy Fulfilled: God is with us.
1446b. Emmanue:l Prophecy Fulfilled: God is with us.s(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1445. Sheep and Goats: Kingdom Come Ethics
1444. Talents
1443. Oil of Hope
1442. At the Same Time, Saint and Sinner, “Simul Justus et Peccator”
1442b. At the Same Time, Saint and Sinner, “Simul Justus et Peccator”
(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1441. Reformation Sunday
1440. Everyone Loves St. Paul!
1440b. Everyone Loves St. Paul!(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1439. The Purpose of Religion
1438. The Generosity of God
1437. The Center of Christianity: Forgiveness
1436. Rescue Squad!(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1435. Get Behind!
1434. Confession and the Keys to Living
1433. Salvation is for All Nations
1432. Salvation is like Walking on Water
1431. Countless Fed the Bread of life
1431b. Countless Fed the Bread of Life(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1430. My Favorite Bible Verse, Romans 8:28
1429. The Intercession of the Holy Spirit
1428. Abba! Father!
1427. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
1427b. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Written in both English and Japanese.)
1426. Faithfulness to God is like a Marriage
1425. The Disciple is Like the Teacher
1424. Three Revelations of God
1423. Pentecost, "What Does this Mean?"
1422. Christ has Ascended, Therefore:....
1421. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Which commandments?
1420. Stephen: Deacon and Martyr: A Man who Found the True Way to Life
1419. Walking with Jesus
1418. The Meaning of the Cross and Resurrection
= Forgiveness of Sins
1417. EASTER: The Door of the Empty Tomb(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1416. Pilate Tries to Wash away His Guilt
1415. Reading a Bible Story Twice: Born Blind, Reborn Seeing
1414. Thirsty
1413. John 3:16 Is A Creedal Statement of Faith
1412. A Journey in the Wilderness
1411. Ash Wednesday Smudge
1411b. Ash Wednesday Smudge(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1410. What Does God Look Like? Transfiguration Sunday
1410b. What Does God Look Like? Transfiguration Sunday(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1409. Don’t be a Whimp! Love your Enemy! Turn the other Cheek!
1408. Sermon on the Mount, Commandments 5, 6, & 8
1407. Christians Salt Shakers
1406. The Presentation of Christ
1406b. The Presentation of Christ(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1405. Getting Ready to Follow Christ
1404. "Behold the Lamb of God!"
1403. Baptismal Life (Living Wet)
1402. Epiphany ☆ Salvation for the Whole World
1402b. Epiphany ☆ Salvation for the Whole World(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1401. The Name of "Jesus," bNew Year's Day 2014
2013 below
1346. The Savior Who Needed to Be Saved
1345. Christmas Eve: Making Peace out of the Pieces-- #5
1345b. Christmas Eve: Making Peace out of the Pieces-- #5(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1344. Making Peace out of the Pieces-- #4-- The Case of Joseph
1343. Making Peace out of the Pieces -- #3 -- John in the Manger Scene
1342. Making Peace out of the Pieces -- #2 -- Hacked into Pieces: the Way to Peace
1341. Making Peace out of the Pieces -- #1
1341b. Making Peace out of the Pieces -- #1(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1340. The King Declares, “Today you will be with me in Paradise”
1339. Your Redemption Is Drawing Near
1338. He is the God of the Living (Resurrection)
1337. The Purpose of our Life is to Live as a Saint = to Live as a Christian
(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1336. A Reformation Theme: The Priesthood of All Believers
1335. Keep On Praying! Gambare!
1334. "Rise and Go. Your Faith Has Made You Well."
1333. Using the Mustard Seed of Faith
1332. Guardian Angels
1331. The Shrewd Manager vs. True Friendship
1330. Lost, Found, Rejoicing
1329. The Disciple's Salt
1328. Honor, Humiliation and Humility
1328b. Honor, Humiliation and Humility
(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1327. Peace?????
1326. The Rich Fool and Real Security
1326b. The Rich Fool and Real Security(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1325. The Lord's Prayer
1324. Save by Faith Alone, Sola Fi
1323. St. Paul, My Hero!
1322. Gosepl Surprise!
1322b. Gospel Surprise!(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1321. The Holy Trinity
1320. Pentecost: Fire in Our Hearts
1319. What if Jesus Had Not Ascended?
1318. The Peace of the Lord
1318b. The Peace of the Lord(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1317. Ping Pong Love
1316. Psalm 23: Assurance of Salvation
1315. A New Dawn
1314. Procaliming the Resurrection
1314b. Procaliming the Resurrection(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1313. Easter: Remembering the Words of Jesus
1313b. Easter: Remembering the Words of Jesus(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1312. Palm Sunday, "Contrasts"
1311. Why Dod Jesus Have to Die on the Cross?
1310. Teaching and Preaching about the Prodigal Son
1309. Why Me?
1309b. Why Me?(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1308. "Go Tell that Fox" Lent 2
1307. Testing in the Wilderness. Lent 1.
1306. Transfiguration -- Being on the Mountain
1305. First Corinthians Chapter Thirteen Love
1305b. First Corinthians Chapter Thirteen Love(Written in both English and Japanese.)
1304. The Inaugural Sermon of Jesus at Nazareth
1303. Glory Revealed at Cana
1302. The Triune Invocation
1301. Epiphany, "Where Is The King?"
1301b. Epiphany, "Where Is The King?"(Written in both English and Japanese.)
Japanese 英 語
Archive of Old Sermons is here.