Bethany Christian Assemblies, Japan Newsletter
Fall 2010
“To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all
men so that by all possible means I might save some.” I Corinthians 9:22
Impacting the nation of Japan for the Kingdom of God with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ in word and deed; meeting people at their point of need.
-Church Planting and Evangelism
-Kindergarten and Preschool Education; Nisshin Bethany Kindergarten
-Bible School Institute and training of Japanese pastors and leaders; Kansai Bible Institute
-Sending and Supporting Missionaries;
missions in Laos, Nepal, Myanmar and OM ship Logos-Hope.
-Youth and Children’s Ministries
-Senior Citizen Ministries
-Church as local community Earthquake and Disaster Relief Center
-New Bethany Chapel Church in Nisshin City Dedicated in 2008 continues to grow
-New land for church expansion bought in 2009
-New Church dedicated in Okazaki City, July 11, 2010
-New Church Sanctuary Planned for Inuyama Church in 2011
Greetings from Japan and welcome to the Bethany Christian Assemblies, Japan Newsletter and homepage! We would like to share with you how the Lord has been blessing the work of the Gospel and the various ministries and outreaches here in Japan to the glory of God.

Brief History:Rev. Hans Magnusson (1921-1999) first came to Japan as a missionary from Sweden in 1950. After starting five churches with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) in Niigata, northern Japan from 1950-1955, he returned to Japan in 1957 with his wife, Margot (1931-1988) and had four children; Mark, David, Debbie and Birdie. In 1960, pioneer evangelism was started in the Nagoya area of Central Japan where we are currently located and five churches were started and the Bethany Christian Assemblies mission established. In 1961, Kansai Bible Institute (KBI), a seminary for training Japanese pastors, evangelists and missionaries, was started and continues to be operated with four other missions. KBI will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year in 2011. In 1975, Nisshin Bethany Kindergarten was started with four students and in 1981 became a fully government registered school with a current enrollment of 211 children and a staff of 25. Bethany Kindergarten will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year in 2011 and has graduated over 2300 students. Currently, Rev. Mark Magnusson is the General Director of the Bethany Christian Assemblies mission and pastor of Bethany Chapel, Nisshin City. He is also Principal of Nisshin Bethany Kindergarten and director of Kansai Bible Institute. Bethany Christian Assemblies has five churches with six Japanese pastors and one missionary currently serving on the OM ship Logos-Hope. We also continue to send teams and support missions outreach and projects in Laos, Nepal, Myanmar and other countries of South East Asia.