Bethany Christian Assemblies, Japan Newsletter

World Missions:The round stained glass window in the sanctuary of the new Bethany Chapel is a picture of Jesus in a boat with his disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee. It is taken from Luke 8: 22, gOne day Jesus said to his disciples, eLet us go over to the other side of the lake.fh On the other side of the lake was a man in deep darkness, bondage and despair. But Jesus, in his great power and authority, calms the storm on the way there and delivers the man from his demonic oppression and sets him free; we find him dressed and sitting at Jesusf feet in his right mind. This is why Jesus crossed to ethe other sidef which was a foreign, dangerous and desolate area to the disciples- to set people free with the healing and saving power of the love of God. In 2009, the number of suicides alone in Japan increased by 2% to 32,845 exceeding 30,000 for the 12th straight year- nearly 100 people a day. However, in the midst of much darkness and despair, the light and salvation of Jesus Christ shines even brighter. We praise the Lord who has blessed and answered our prayers more than we can ask or imagine.

Bethany Chapel: The new church sanctuary in Nisshin City was dedicated in September 2008 and has been a tremendous blessing. The church used to meet on the second floor of the kindergarten and in a pre-fab building before that. The new church is a witness to the whole community and it continues to grow with many new members being saved and baptized and new ministries starting. We have many Bible studies, home and small-group meetings throughout the week. Four members of the Junior and High School Group are planning to be baptized in November along with the mother of one of the members-Mrs.Ninagawa- who was recently saved. Please pray for them. She started coming to church last year with her son who is autistic, and was very moved with how the church members welcomed and accepted her and her son and she began to open up her heart to God and the gospel. Now she and her son are eagerly helping in the church.