
Q1. クリスチャンじゃなくてもいいの?
A1. 大丈夫です!


Q2. 子ども連れでも大丈夫?
A2. お子様大歓迎です!


Q3. どんな服装で行けばいいの?
A3. 平服で結構です!


Q4. 聖書を持ってないんだけど?
A4. 大丈夫です!


Q5. 礼拝って、どんなことをするの?
A5. 礼拝は、私たちの教会が最も大切にしている集会です。


Q6. 聖書って、どんな書物なの?
A6. この世界を造られた神様からの手紙の様なものです。


Q7. 聖書を学びたいんだけど?
A7. どうぞお気軽にお越し下さい!



Q8. 献金ってしないといけないの?
A8. 大丈夫です!


Q9. 駐車場はありますか?
A9. 台数に限りがあります。


Q10. 車椅子でも大丈夫?
A10. 大丈夫です!


Q11. しつこく勧誘されたりしない?
A11. そういったことは一切致しません。


Q12. 人生の相談をしたいのですが?
A12. どうぞお気軽にお越し下さい!



Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I'm not a Christian, is it still OK for me to attend?
A1. Of course!!

Of course, we would love to have you join us.

Q2. I have children. Can I bring them with me? What do I do if they are unsettled?
A2. Of course!!

Children are most welcome. If they become unsettled during the service, we have a room at the back of the auditorium where you can take them. From that room you will be able to hear and see what is happening in the service.

Q3. Is there a dress code?
A3. No, not at all!

Here isn’t a dress code but most people usually wear smart casual. The 1st service tends to be a little more formal than the 2nd, which is quite casual.

Q4. What if I don’t own a Bible?
A4. We have Bibles for rent!

Please don’t worry. We have Bibles for people to borrow during the service. Please ask at the reception when you arrive.

Q5. What happens during the service?
A5. Sunday services are the main gatherings of our church.

During our time together, we pray, sing, read the Bible and hear someone teach us from the Bible passage.

Q6. What is the Bible?
A6. God the Creator’s letter to us.

The Bible is God the Creator’s letter to us. Through His Word, we can come to know Him and the wonderful things he has done.

Q7. I am interested in reading the Bible, what should I do?
A7. Feel free to join us!

We have a number of groups that meet together to study the Bible. If you are interested, please ask one of the staff for more information.


Q8. If I attend the service, am I expected to give to the offertory?
A8. No, not at all!

As a visitor, please feel free to just pass the bag along without putting anything in it. The offertory is a way that we show gratitude to God for all that He has given to us.

Q9. Does the church have parking that I can use?
A9. Yes, but it’s for people who have mobility issues.

Our church has limited car spaces and these are reserved for people who have mobility issues. Please use public transport or use the nearby pay carparks.

Q10. Does the church have wheelchair access?
A10. Of course!

Our church seeks to be barrier-free. The door to the left of the main door is available for wheelchair access. If you need help, please ask somebody nearby for help.

Q11. I would like to talk to someone about things that are going on in my life, what should I do?
A11. Please feel free to come!

Someone from the pastoral team would be more than happy to sit down and chat with you. The best way to arrange an appointment is by ringing the church.
